Control Flow in Python

Control flow statements dictate the order in which the code is executed. Python provides conditional statements, loops, and control modifiers to manage program flow.

1. Conditional Statements

Conditional statements execute different blocks of code based on specific conditions.

if Statement

Executes a block of code if a condition is true.

x = 10
if x > 5:
print("x is greater than 5")

if…else Statement

Executes one block of code if the condition is true, otherwise another block.

x = 3
if x > 5:
print("x is greater than 5")
print("x is not greater than 5")

if…elif…else Statement

Checks multiple conditions.

x = 7
if x > 10:
print("x is greater than 10")
elif x > 5:
print("x is greater than 5 but not more than 10")
print("x is 5 or less")

2. Loops

Loops allow you to execute a block of code repeatedly.

for Loop

Used to iterate over a sequence (list, tuple, string, etc.).

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for fruit in fruits:

while Loop

Executes a block of code as long as a condition is true.

count = 0
while count < 5:
print("Count is", count)
count += 1

3. Loop Control Statements

Control statements modify the behavior of loops.

break Statement

Exits the loop immediately.

for i in range(10):
if i == 5:

continue Statement

Skips the current iteration and moves to the next.

for i in range(10):
if i % 2 == 0:
print(i) # Prints odd numbers

pass Statement

Does nothing and is used as a placeholder.

for i in range(5):
if i == 3:
pass # Placeholder for future code

4. Nested Control Flow

You can nest if statements and loops for more complex logic.

Nested if

x = 8
if x > 5:
if x % 2 == 0:
print("x is greater than 5 and even")

Nested Loops

for i in range(3):
for j in range(2):
print(f"i: {i}, j: {j}")

5. Example: Combining Control Flow

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

for num in numbers:
if num % 2 == 0:
print(f"{num} is even")
print(f"{num} is odd")

Control flow structures help in building logic and managing the execution path of a program effectively.




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